Dear All,
On my first “official” day as Acting National Chaplain I wanted to send you all a quick message.
Firstly I need to pay tribute to David and the wonderful work he has done over so many years, he will be greatly missed and leaves very large shoes to fill. I am so glad I and the Board had an opportunity to say our thanks and goodbyes to him last month and wish him well in his (partial) retirement. My thanks to all of you who contributed to his card and gift, you can read below what David plans to do the with the collection.
As many of you know my day job is Lead Chaplain to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and I am very grateful to them for releasing me for a few months to serve as Acting National Chaplain. With the full agreement of the Board of Police Chaplaincy UK I have been seconded into this role for two days per week in order to keep the work that David has been doing going and until a new full time National Chaplain is recruited.
Plans are well underway for a new National Chaplain and job descriptions etc. are currently in the hands of the National Police Chiefs Council for sign off. Once we have these approved we will be advertising the role far and wide, holding a selection process and we hope a new person may be in role by the Autumn of this year - exciting times. Please do hold your National Board in your thoughts and prayers as we plan and prepare for the new National Chaplain; we will keep you updated as we progress.
Over the next few months if you wish me to come to your Force or attend any events as your National Chaplain please don’t hesitate to get in touch it would be my privilege to come out and see you all and in the meantime I will follow in the footsteps of David to be the biggest and loudest cheerleader for chaplains in the national picture.
With my thanks for you all do.