Subud is a multi-faith, international spiritual group that began in Indonesia in the 1940s and quickly spread to the UK and elsewhere.

It has its routes in Sufi Islam and provides a direct experience of the divine to those that experience the 'latihan kejiwaan' literally; spiritual exercise. This involves quieting the self and following whatever spontaneously arises, often singing and dancing. This is practiced for half an hour two to three times a week either alone or in a group. Even a group latihan involves following ones own spontaneous receiving.

There are no particular teachings or creeds to follow but rather a direct and personal connection to God's guidance and one's own inner wisdom that can help manifest an authentic and aligned direction in one's life .

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Faith at a Glance - Hinduism

Hinduism is over 4,000 years old, making it one of the world's oldest religions. It is made up of a...

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Faith at a Glance - Hinduism

Hinduism is over 4,000 years old, making it one of the world's oldest religions. It is made up of a...

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Faith at a Glance - Subud

Subud is a multi-faith, international spiritual group that began in Indonesia in the 1940s and...

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Faith at a Glance - Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrianism at a glance   Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest monotheistic...

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Faith at a Glance - Unitarianism

Unitarianism at a glance   There are about 7,000 Unitarians in Great Britain and Ireland,...

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Faith at a Glance - Spiritualism

Spiritualism at a glance Modern Spiritualism can include a very wide range of beliefs and...

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Faith at a Glance - Sikhism

Sikhism at a glance There are 20 million Sikhs in the world, most of whom live in the Punjab...

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Faith at a Glance - Rastafari

Rastafari at a glance   Rastafari is a young, Africa-centred religion which developed in...

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Faith at a Glance - Paganism

Paganism at a glance   Paganism describes a group of contemporary religions based on a...

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Faith at a Glance - Judaism

Judaism at a glance Judaism is the first of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths (Christianity...

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Faith at a Glance - Church of the Latter Day Saints

Church of the Latter Day Saints at a glance   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day...

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Faith at a Glance - Jehovah's Witness

Jehovah's Witness at a glance Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a Christian-based religious...

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Faith at a Glance - Jainism

Jainism at a glance   Jainism is an ancient religion from India that teaches that the way to...

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Faith at a Glance - Islam

Islam at a glance   The word Islam means 'submission to the will of God'. Islam is the...

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Faith at a Glance - Christianity

Christianity at a glance   Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world with...

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Faith at a Glance: Buddhism

.   Buddhism at a glance Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal...

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Faith at a Glance: Baha'i

  Bahá'í at a glance The Bahá'í faith is one of the youngest of the world's major...

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Faith at a Glance: Atheism

  Atheism at a glance Atheism is the absence of belief in any gods or spiritual beings....

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