On Tuesday 19th June 2018, fourteen, brand new, volunteer police chaplains attended the Netley Headquarters in Hampshire Constabulary for their Induction Training with Police Chaplaincy UK. The new chaplains represent four, different faiths and have just recently completed applications, interviews and vetting. They are currently being deployed across Hampshire to support both officers and staff.
Rev’d Dom Jones, the Force Lead Chaplain, said: "I am so excited about the development of our team here in Hampshire. We are currently one year into our brand new adventure of having chaplaincy in the constabulary and to be launching with a team of multifaith chaplains is a major milestone for us. I look forward to seeing this fantastic provision develop further over the coming years."
Revd Adrian Gatrill from Durham delivered the training course for Hampshire Constabulary and chaplains from Thames Valley Police and Wiltshire also joined them for the day.
Those who attended the course were very positive about the experience and the content of the course.