New Chaplains for Bedfordshire Police

Since January 2019, Police Chaplaincy UK has been working with Bedfordshire Police to recruit new chaplains and to relaunch the Chaplaincy Service within Bedfordshire Police. Following presentations, interviews and vetting, fourteen new chaplains are now in post. On Monday 14th October, an Induction Training day was held at Bedfordshire Police HQ. At the start of the day, the Chief Constable welcomed the volunteer chaplains to the force and affirmed the value of chaplaincy within the service, encouraging those present to see themselves as an important part of the Bedfordshire Police family and to make their individual contributions to the service. The course was led by Adrian Gatrill and David Wilbraham with input from Paul Thomas, National Chair of the Fire & Rescue Service Chaplains Association of Great Britain and Islands.

The chaplains will have a combined role, serving both the Police Service and Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service. The enthusiastic group found the day useful and, as well as their ongoing training, will keep in touch via their own Whatsapp group formed on the day.

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