Rev'd Bill Cave RIP

We are very sad to announce the death of Rev'd Canon Bill Cave, Lead Chaplain to Wiltshire Police.

Ordained in 1979, Canon Bill’s ministry has been spent working with people, now friends, of other Christian and faith traditions. He spent 12 years at the Inter-Faith Chaplaincy Centre at Lancaster University, and directing students in their understanding of conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

In 1997 Bill became chaplain at HMP The Weare, a prison ship in Portland Harbour before becoming Chaplain of the Verne Immigration Removal Centre. 

Since leaving prison chaplaincy in 2017, Bill has been Lead Chaplain to Wiltshire Police and a friend and colleague to many in Police Chaplaincy UK.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Bill's family and friends and those he served in Wiltshire.

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