Although chaplains are drawn from all faith communities, they are very aware that members of staff may be of a different faith or none. The chaplain’s prime concern is the care of the individual and matters of faith will be treated with sensitivity involving other faith ministers where appropriate.

The chaplaincy team usually consists of a co-ordinating chaplain and a network of voluntary chaplains attached to local stations across the force area.

who are the chaplains

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How do I become a chaplain?

How do I become a chaplain?

If you are interested in becoming a police chaplain you should contact your local force chaplaincy here and pursue this through your own faith...

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Why do we need chaplains?

Why do we need chaplains?

Right from the early days of the police service, it was realised that much of police work, by its very nature, is stressful and can be de-humanising....

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How do chaplains operate?

How do chaplains operate?

They drop in, on a regular basis, around shift change time or other times when staff are available. In this way, they become a familiar...

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What do chaplains do?

What do chaplains do?

They make themselves available to people who need someone to talk to someone in confidence. By their on-going presence, they become aware of the...

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Who are the chaplains?

Who are the chaplains?

Although chaplains are drawn from all faith communities, they are very aware that members of staff may be of a different faith or none. The...

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Police Chaplaincy UK is a registered Charity, number 1190186.

We have no full-time staff or office, but you may get in touch with us through any of the individuals named in "Contact Us".


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