This is a dissertation written by a serving police officer in Devon & Cornwall Police who was studying for a Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology. It is written from the perspective of a Roman Catholic and is based on interviews with working police chaplains in 2010.

Our thanks are due to Sgt Simon Hardwick for making this available to a wider audience in this way.

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Gospel Chaplaincy in a Secular World

Gospel Chaplaincy in a Secular World

This article has been written by Chris  Thomas who served  in  the  Royal  Navy  for  over  20  years,...

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Community Policing Report

Community Policing Report

This report gives the result of interviews with members of the Metropolitan Police Service's territorial policing teams in the London Boroughs of...

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Faith Ministry in the Police Service

Faith Ministry in the Police Service

This is a dissertation written by a serving police officer in Devon & Cornwall Police who was studying for a Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology....

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Judaism Today

Judaism Today

  Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE from the Maidenhead Synagogue who is an associate chaplain with Thames Valley Police has written an article...

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I'm All Ears

I'm All Ears

Revd Bill Hopley was a chaplain in West Midlands Police. Sadly he died soon after retiring from his role as a Force Chaplain.  His work was the...

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Servant To The Service

Servant To The Service

This is a report on Police Chaplaincy in the UK that was published by the Home Office in 1996. It is written by Revd Richard Armitage, AKC, of West...

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How do I become a chaplain?

How do I become a chaplain?

If you are interested in becoming a police chaplain you should contact your local force chaplaincy here and pursue this through your own faith...

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Why do we need chaplains?

Why do we need chaplains?

Right from the early days of the police service, it was realised that much of police work, by its very nature, is stressful and can be de-humanising....

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How do chaplains operate?

How do chaplains operate?

They drop in, on a regular basis, around shift change time or other times when staff are available. In this way, they become a familiar...

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What do chaplains do?

What do chaplains do?

They make themselves available to people who need someone to talk to someone in confidence. By their on-going presence, they become aware of the...

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Who are the chaplains?

Who are the chaplains?

Although chaplains are drawn from all faith communities, they are very aware that members of staff may be of a different faith or none. The...

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