Retirement of Lead Chaplain Rev Steve Parker of Staffordshire Police

The Rev Steve Parker reflects on his upcoming retirement 

"It’s been an emotional process discerning whether to retire as Lead Chaplain for StaffordshireSteve 1 Police, but this is the right time.

Police Chaplaincy has been an amazing ministry for the past eight years and a big part of my life.

It has been a privilege to journey alongside so many colleagues in times of both joy and deep sadness.  This ranges from blessing a wedding, open days, the 3Cs (Cuppa, Cake and Chat) to those very sad occasions of officiating at funerals and Memorial Services. Throughout this, I am proud to call so many friends. 

Steve 2I thank Staffordshire Police for allowing me such free access to all areas of the Force and for the friendships made.  Also, for allowing me to attend so many meetings that support colleagues and help move the Force forward.

My final thanks goes to Police Chaplaincy UK, for the support and encouragement over the years.  Thanks for the amazing Conferences, a great time for training, reflection, sharing and support.  Oops, not forgetting the food, always a time of true Blessings.  

Well that’s it folks as Lead Chaplain, but not the end of Chaplaincy!  I will be taking up the post of Volunteer Chaplain at my local Station.  

Keep up the good work

God Bless


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