Condolences on the news of death of CC Simon Cole

Following the tragic news of the unexpected death of Simon Coles RIP, recently retired Chief Constable of Leicestershire the thoughts and prayers of Police Chaplains in forces across the country are especially with his family, friends and colleagues as they deal with the emotions and feelings such tragic news brings.

We are also mindful of our chaplaincy colleagues in Leicestershire as they support the Leicestershire Police family at a very difficult time.

The ripples of an event such as this extend far, and if you are affected by this and wish to speak to someone then your own force Chaplaincy is available.

You can also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can put you in contact with someone.

Any messages of condolence can be left on the online Book of Condolences set up Leicestershire Police

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