Lead Chaplain becomes Canon

The Rev'd Tanya Lord, Lead Chaplain Lincolnshire Police was installed as a Canon at Lincoln Cathedral during a service of evensong on the 17th November 2022.

Members of the Clergy are installed as Canons to acknowledge the contribution that they have made to the life of the diocese, greater Lincolnshire and beyond. Honorary Canons form a bridge between the Diocese and the Cathedral and meet to reflect and advise on the life of the Cathedral. 

Since Lincoln Cathedral was founded in 1072, it has always been the seat (cathedra) of the bishop and a centre of worship and mission for the diocese. The work of the College of Canons is to support and carry out the bishop’s apostolic ministry throughout the diocese and beyond.

Lincoln Cathedral has fifty-three canonries. In mediaeval times each was paid a prebend, or salary, consisting usually of the income from a manor or holding of land. Each canon is still known by the name of his or her prebend, which is written on a tablet above the seat, together with the Latin title of the psalm which should be recited daily “if nothing hinders”. This means that between the whole College of Canons the entire psalter is recited daily. The bishop says Psalm 1.

Under the cathedral’s constitution and statues, between three and five canons of the cathedral are residentiary, looking after the Cathedral’s day-to-day life of worship, education, welcome to visitors and building. The other members of the College of Canons are either clergy or lay people who hold leading positions in the church and local community, mostly but not exclusively in the diocese. The residentiary canons, together with five of the non-residentiary prebendaries (a priest of the diocese, the chairman of the finance committee and three lay persons, all chosen for their expertise) form the Chapter, which is the Cathedral’s governing body. There are four ‘dignities’, with particular areas of responsibility, which are held among the residentiary members of Chapter, and at Lincoln these are the Dean, Precentor, Chancellor and Subdean. The College of Canons exists to give counsel to the bishop and to the Chapter on any matter concerning the cathedral as the seat of the bishop. It receives and considers the annual report and audited accounts of the cathedral and discusses such matters concerning the cathedral as may be raised by its members. In the event of a vacancy in the See of Lincoln the College of Canons is responsible for electing the new bishop

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